Monday, September 21, 2009

Only have time to do 3 countries in Europe

Only have time to do 3 countries in Europe...?
My work sucks about time off so I can only go for about 9 days. Would you rather do Western like Amsterdam, Paris, Monaco or Central like Berlin, Prague, Milan? (We are a few girls in our 20's) Which are your favorites and why? I've already been to London & Barcelona so I want someplace new :)
Other - Europe - 4 Answers
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1 :
Maybe London Paris and Amsterdam!!! Or London Paris and Barcelona!!!
2 :
London, Paris, Dublin. You will NOT be sorry. A group of us from work (7 of us, 5 girls, 2 guys) did this a few years ago, and it was the greatest! Paris has underground bars, London has the strangest ppl on earth, and Dublin....well, they just like to drink and fight, but it's fun to watch!!! Have a blast!
3 :
Either of those options is good, but they're both pretty ambitious for a 9 day trip. You'd be better off seeing Amsterdam & Paris or Berlin & Prague either of which is a relatively easy train trip and there is more than enough to keep you occupied for the full time on either trip. Milan is a long way from either Berlin or Prague and is not particularly touristic. I live just two hours from Milan and spend more time in Amsterdam, Paris, and Prague than Milan. If you want to come to Italy, consider Rome, Florence, Venice, or one of the other tourist sites. Monaco is also an outlier on the other option. If you're coming from the US or Canada, you might consider the Amsterdam & Paris option because it maximizes your time doing things here - there's less travel time involved.
4 :
For the convenience you will have to choose three cities close to each other. So you may consider: Dublin-Liverpool-Edinburgh Paris-Amsterdam-Brussels Krakow-Prague-Vienna

Monday, September 14, 2009

Should I set up my own bank

Should I set up my own bank?
Given the current financial market I feel I could run a financial institution very well. I'm thinking of offering investment opportunities. I would then spend my time playing with huge sums on a commodities roulette wheel, creaming off huge amounts sums of cash and living a champagne lifestyle in Mayfair for a few years, and then go bust and have the taxpayer bail out my institution while I relax on a yacht in Monaco and watch the economic fallout from a safe distance. Could this work? Anyone willing to place their capital in my hands?
Investing - 12 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Oh yes Felicity , i say would i be able to have my giro paid into such a project ?
2 :
As you correctly indicated, this is currently standard operational procedure. Therefore, I see no legislation to to withdraw from the idea and exercise your right to it's fullest extent. I'm quite sure our friend Rotter would muster up some worthy volunteers to aid this new-founded Bank. Have you thought of a name yet? I was going to suggest Southern Rock, or is that a bit obvious "Exhilarate" perhaps.
3 :
It is a bit to late to get my cash Credit Agricole has it, come to think about it, it sounds rather a lot like CA, I say, you aren't thee Felicity McFud of Britline perchance are you?
4 :
Go ahead!!
5 :
I heard it does in fact work out rather nicely that way as popular belief would indeed really think you are a down and out rich person and therefore willingly tell the Treasury that we should hand you a tidy cash lump to see that you are not living in a skip yacht. Be sure when doing the fake poor thing disguise luxury items.
6 :
They did that already, however I am indeed sure that, that old chestnut can be done again, and again.....And has. I hope this helps :)
7 :
My dear lady F, i have been producing my own currency for the past few months for the common folk to use in my shop, the "Stirling Shaft" is worth two shillings and six pence, each week the commoners receive their "Shaft" to purchase goods, and each week they get their "Shaft" on a friday, they are happy knowing that their caring Lord of the manor gives them the "Shaft" each week. would you care to distribute my "Shaft" between your workers, tally ho
8 :
I have about $3000 saved up for the down payment on my house. I will gladly let you invest it for me if you promise me a 3% return.
9 :
Well I'd love to, but Lord Faversham-Shaftsworthy has just hired me on to take care of his shaft. That should keep me VERY busy... ***snicker snicker***
10 :
Madam, I would love to place my capital in your hands. If you bring the wine, I'll bring the lard.
11 :
Citizen, how could you! I thought it was just you and I going in for a merger. You seem to have a new acquisition in mind. Kindly explain!
12 :
The last time I gave you a large deposit you squealed with delight, but handing over a large amount of cash is a different matter old girl. May I suggest you make this offer to new money only, those guttersnipes don't deserve it anyway so seeing them loose it would be a jolly good wheeze, what. Tip top.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Working at Clothing stores

Working at Clothing stores?
I've been applying to a lot of clothing stores recently for a summer job, but hopefully I will be able to keep it part time in the fall. I've been applying to be a sales associate. I have no retail experience, but I do have A LOT of experience working with children and people in general, and I like to think I have a good eye and understanding of fashion. I've had luck at Old Navy, but they weren't paying what I was hoping for. For anyone in the retail world do you think I would have a chance at these other stores I applied to without retail experience? Zara Anthropologie H&M Gap Banana Republic Club Monaco Express The Limited New York and Company Victoria's Secret LUSH American Eagle BCBGMAXAZRIA Forever21 Thank you! Also if you have ever worked for any of these companies what did you think of them?
Fashion & Accessories - 2 Answers
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1 :
Some of the more well-known brands can be pretty picky when choosing staff as they have alot of people wanting to work for them! so my advice would be too apply at smaller local boutiques and clothing stores even if youre not getting payed as much its worth it because experience is everything if youve got a lot of previous work in stores they would be much happier to accept you but you never know they might accept you without it but id definitly try to get some work elsewhere first goodluck! :)
2 :
Personally you might have a chance with all of them, but you never know what they are all looking for. All of the jobs I have had have been retail so I have a lot of retail experience, and I have also worked at Victoria's Secret. When there were times I needed and I applied to a lot of retail store, some which are on your list I didn't even get calls back from a lot of them so its not always about retail experience. I think that with VS you would have a good chance. I had a group interview with them and many of the girls didn't have any retail experience but as long as they had a wide enough schedule to be available they were hired. Express I didn't work there but had a interview with them and I think that they are pretty hard to get a job with. I know they base a lot of their choices on clothing since they are a high fashion store and probably on your experience. I have been applying at Express for the longest and just recently got an interview but didn't get the job so that one may be tough. Forever 21 I believe you could get a job at as long as you have a good working background. Just recently a 2 story Forever 21 opened up where I attend school at and they had open interviews on my campus and literally hired EVERYONE I even got the job but just didn't make the orientation. So that one may be really easy. As far as the other ones I don't know, but I do hope I helped in some way!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What do you think twice deported illegal from Mexico being charged with sexual assault for allegedly attacking

What do you think twice deported illegal from Mexico being charged with sexual assault for allegedly attacking
An illegal Mexican immigrant deported twice before being charged with sexual assault for allegedly attacking a woman in St. Charles five years ago will appear in Kane County Court Friday. Carlos Martinez Lopez, 24, of Aurora, faces three class X felony charges — aggravated criminal sexual assault, criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual-abuse — for allegedly attacking a 32-year-old woman with a gun and forcing her to have sex with him after she left work on Dec. 21, 2002. “The violent use of force makes the charges serious,” said Pam Monaco, Kane County prosecutor. “He committed a forcible sex assault and had a gun.” Lopez was identified as the assailant last year because of a DNA match that tied him to the crime, Monaco said. Illinois law required him to submit a DNA sample after he was convicted on felony burglary charges in 2005. A law passed four years ago in the state requires all convicted felons to submit DNA samples, which are kept in a police database, said Clint Hull, first assistant state’s attorney. “It stays in the system forever,” Hull said. Lopez snuck into the U.S. illegally for the third time last year, and was arrested in Aurora after being pulled over for a traffic violation and giving police a fake name, Monaco said. Prosecutors realized they found the suspect they were looking for in the sexual assault case after they noticed a tattoo on the man’s body that matched the description of a tattoo the suspect had. “When we looked at the booking photo and saw his identifying tattoo on his neck, we knew we had the right guy,” Monaco said. “It was one of those cases where we were like ‘I hope we get him’ — I was so thrilled.” The victim of the sexual assault, a young mother with several children, was contacted and told the suspect was caught, and was very relieved and thankful, Monaco said. If convicted, Lopez, who is being represented by public defender Dave Kliement, could face between six and 30 years in prison for the aggravated criminal sexual assault charge, in addition to four to 15 more years for the criminal sexual assault charge. Probation is possible for the third charge, aggravated criminal sexual abuse. Lopez will be arraigned in front of Circuit Judge Timothy Sheldon Friday, and is being held on $1 million bail in the Kane County Jail. Mandatory DNA testing for felons has led to the arrests of many criminals throughout the state, Hull said. A murder that took place 25 years ago in southern Illinois was finally solved recently after a man in Kane County who was arrested for burglary submitted a DNA sample. “His DNA matched evidence at the crime scene, and we could tie him to it,” Hull said. “(DNA testing) has definitely resulted in a lot of cases being tried.”
Immigration - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I cant read that whole thing. But that is the reason why I think they should control the borders but give the people who are here illegally a way to step up and get some kind of legal recognition that way people like him are backed into a corner and have no choice but to leave or once kicked out stay out. Anyone who commits any kind of sexual offense should be in jail for at least 25 years. The people they hurt lost alot more then 25 years with the pain they are caused.
2 :
It is just crazy. Until some of the lawmakers have situations like these happen to their loved ones, they will not understand.... They need to wake up. Get these illegal criminal aliens out of our country before more and more legal citizens are hurt.
3 :
deport all illegal asap no matter what their skin color is, or what nationality they came from!
4 :
What I think is this is typical of illegals. There may be a few that were good but when they decided to enter my country illegally they became criminals and should be treated as such.
5 :
I think since he likes America enough to break our laws, and spit on our sovernty then let him rot in one of our prisons on death row. Those that are pro-illegal had better wake up and smell the GREASE.
6 :
Sanctuary cities like San Fransicko should be isolated and no Federal aid be given as long as their Communist city administration commits treason to our country!!! they are giving these sub humans a pass!!
7 :
It's obvious we have a very serious problem here. Even with citizens there is a ratio they use saying on average people commit x many crimes before they are actually caught in 1. These criminals have committed MANY crimes before they are caught. They all aren't nice, honest, family people looking to feed their family. As with this guy....they've even been caught before and set loose to do it again. Aurora is a huge illegal and gang area and it's spreading. An off shoot from the wonderful sanctuary of Chicago and Cook county.