People, I don't know where you live, but I split my time mostly between Dallas, Manhattan, London, and southern France/Monaco, and the economy is doing pretty great. Goldman Sachs will be handing out $10,000,000+ bonuses this year to several employees. That's because the economy has recovered, and people are rolling in the cash. Especially if you work in the financial sector. Goldman Sachs will be handing out an AVERAGE bonus of almost $600,000 per employee. Do you really think they could do that if the economy were bad? My advice to the whiners and the haters is to study hard, get your Ph.D. in something like physics or math, start with a boutique hedge fund as a quantitative/modeling expert, and if you do well, you will get offers to lateral into Goldman's derivatives trading group, and then we're talking about real money - millions in base salary, and the eight-figure bonus. Why are most Americans so dumb? Why don't they just quit whining and hit the books? That's what my dad did back in the day, and now him and his kids enjoy an awesome life. Hate the game, not the playa...
Politics - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
what do you expect? The majority of 0bama's staff, czars, advisors, are ex Goldman Sachs.
2 :
Goldman Sachs is getting its bonuses off the taxpayers back. No whining here--just the facts. *and someone needs to just head over to Mary Tyler Moore's apartment and whine about something else. Some of those "racist" tea partiers are black.
3 :
Why are foreigners always so concerned with American behavior?
4 :
the government gave them billions of dollars to fix everything they messed up, instead they are giving out bonuses. The reason people 'whine about the economy' is because they got laid off and their house forclosed on because they employers could no longer afford to pay them because of bad investments made by companies like Goldman-sachs. Not everyone is an over privelaged brat. You have no idea what you are talking about.
5 :
Your right most are just jealous to me if you can get it god bless.
6 :
Gold Man Sucks
7 :
Goldman sachs stole that money from the taxpayers. If you had money stolen from you, I surmise that you would not like someone telling you to stop whining about it. Of course you would probably just go ask dad for more money.
8 :
I have a degree in electronics engineering, which means that not only did I spend four years in college taking history and english classes, but took basic math, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus. I am also a certified paralegal. I can not find a job because I am "over qualified, not dumb" for even the most basic convenience store jobs. BTW the reason that Goldman Sachs, in the financial sector, is passing out gluttonous bonuses is because financial institutions, like Wall Street, and mismanaged banks and automakers were given billions out of taxpayer coffers. Yes indeed, the economy is doing great for big businesses with our bailout money.