Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What must we do to make america wake up and come to its senses

What must we do to make america wake up and come to its senses?
Nations go to war to win, not to lose. They develop the know-how to win, like we did when we developed the a - bomb to defeat Japan, which we did, saving 1 million yank lives. Billions were spent to develop the bomb and create a nuclear arsenal to protect ourselves and the free world. It worked. Those kamikaze-minded suiciders quit after two nukes showed them who’s who. Now islam is going after us the same way, killing, to date more than 4000 yanks as they perpetrate suicide bombings and sniper attacks.. We possess nuclear arms; our enemies do not, at least not yet. Yet they behead us, kill us, mutilate our dead bodies ,drag them thru the streets of their cities, threaten us if we bomb their so called "holy cities", and subject us to humiliation for “abusing” the terrorists we have captured as if we were supposed to coddle them instead. As this goes on we huddle in fear of what terrorists will do next. So what do we do? The unelected U.S. Supreme Court gives them “terrorists rights” to sue in our courts while “back home” they behead us. And we prosecute our own soldiers for not coddling them.’ That’s real intelligence, isn’t it? But this isn’t the start of this insanity - We could have won in Korea with nukes, but the liberals, panicking the administration, claimed Russia and China would nuke us if we nuked korea. The result: nukes sat idle, the war was a stalemate, 33,000 yanks died and now korea has come back with its own nukes, threatening us which wouldn’t have happened had we nuked them back then. Real good military strategy, isn’t it? We could have won in Vietnam, but the liberals claimed nukes weren’t nice because too many of our enemy should die. the result: we lost the war, and 59,000 yanks died, instead. Real smart. We went to war in Iraq in 1990, but pulled out when it was half over, leaving the regime in power. The result: another war had to be begun all over, which we thought we won. but yanks die daily while nukes sit idle. Some victory we “won”. Real smart Now we are led blindly down the path to believe moslem nations such as Pakistan will assist us in rooting out alqueda. Al queda is paying everyone off to be on their side. Even if they weren’t, moslems wouldn’t act for us. Pakistan has nukes, supplied with red mercury and technology by the Russian mafia. And do you think al queda has no access to their nukes? Why do you think they operate out of the Pakistan-Afghan border? Because the weather is nice there or do they have a different reason for being in that location, in mind? When the Pakistani regime is overthrown by Islamic terrorists and fundamentalists, where do you think the Pakistani nukes will be aimed at? Monaco? Hw long will this “pearl harbor – 9/11 mentality” of sitting back, doing nothing decisive and procrastinating, persist? Must we wait until they blow us up, kill our children, brothers, sisters and parents one by one before we finally realize that we are justified in totally annihilating them and ending their threat for once and for all? In the meantime as al queda works incessantly to bring down the Pakistani government and get their nukes, other bandit and terrorist nations are clamoring to build their own nukes. Do you think these kamikaze minded maniacs will consider fallout or any similar considerations when they can and will nuke us, to make them hesitate to nuke? The liberals show photos of burnt Jap children to move us not to nuke. But what will our children look like if they nuke us? Do we have to await a third Pearl Harbor-9/11 before our sense of self-preservation and the preservation of our posterity is awakened and we excise the malignancy of islam from the face and body of mankind for once and for all? Must we sit idly by until al queda overthrows the Pakistani regime and seizes their nukes or gets the red mercury and know how from the Russian mafia to make their own? Must we apologize to them and coddle these terrorists and excuse ourselves for conducting war? And must they get rights to sue in our courts while they behead us? Did we spend those billions for marching down Main St. on the fourth of July, while yanks die daily and the arsenal sits idle or was there a more appropriate purpose to build the nuclear arsenal and protect ourselves? How long must we keep on huddling in fear and worry of what they will do to us next, while nukes sit idle? Must we wait until they nuke us before we come to our senses and wake up? What kind of fools are we?
Current Events - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well. The first thing to do is look up in the sky. Look for a twinkle twinkle shining little star. Make sure it's a guiding star. That's burning bright. At the moment. We can't see it under the cloud. Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49 What do you think?
2 :
When you start dropping these "nukes"will you be ready for the thousands of American casualties when the retaliation starts?
3 :
You are the kind of fool that needs to study history a bit more before panicking like a big girls blouse....I'm sure I've answered this very question before so I'm not going to go over it again... Suffice to say nukes are not the answer...
4 :
We aren't loosing we have done some amazing things in Iraq.They (the Media) just don't show the good.It don't sell !People like groce it sucks but its true.We are way ahead and are preparing for the defense against Iran.
5 :
Like Big Steve says, we are not losing, we will if we vote in Obama (or even worse if that fool hillary gets in)
6 :
you must feel very proud when your soldiers killed thousands of innocent lives in east asia. very good. now imagine if someone would drop A bomb in new york or washington on your innocent people. how would you feel? americans are cowards. japanese surrendered cause they care more about their people. wouldnt you surrender if someone would drop a bomb on your family living peacefully in some american city? you'll never win this war against terrorism anyway. what are americans thinking? that if they go around the world playing superheros that they'll magically get peace? you are far away from peace. the world hates you in middle east, in sweden, in germany, in russia, in asia, especially in africa. look at the darfur crisis. how many soldiers did your government send there when they also need protection? I'm not surprised when people are yelling "death to america". look at what are you doing, you go somewhere, bomb many innocent lives, come home like some superheros and then you are crying why everyone hates you.
7 :
I see you have an even more warmongering bent than the present incumbent.OK so say you do start spewing nukes all round the globe at supposed enemies do you seriously think America would not get one dropped on it from another nuclear power not prepared to wait and see if they'll be next.What worked years ago won't wash now as other nations have nuclear capabilities and thanks to the Yanks interference globally they are all too jittery to hold back.What do you propose after America and your enemies have been nuked?A victory dance? Nuclear war means the end of us all,no winners just losers.China's spending billions on a nuclear sub fleet at this very minute.Accept the fact that America is not going to be ruling the roost any more and anyway any trouble it gets is usually of its own making because it refuses to keep it's nose out of other countries affairs and goes around destabilising nations covertly in order to get an excuse to start trouble. What kind of fools are you?Some of you are warmongering fools whose actions and words just make the world more unsafe.You are the world's bully and you try to pretend you're the good guy.Pfft!
8 :
All I can say is I'm glad you're not running things, because I'd kiss my azzzz goodbye along with everyone else I know. =============== Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated Confucius 551 - 479 BC =============== Peace Jim .
9 :
look inward
10 :
Untrammelled US power, maintained by the threat of nuclear annihilation for the rest of us if we don't buy into the American version of 'democracy' and economics? No thanks, matey. Full spectrum dominance - you can shove it right up yer Gary.
11 :
Dude check this one out! I was watching Fox News yesterday! A congressman said : When he was 9 years old.. his house was bombed! Because of his father's position! Anyways make this story short!! He said in the 60's, a group called (something like) Weather gang? Anyways this gang went too prison! Now out!! 1. Obama when he announced.. I'm running for president.. guess what.. His 1st party was at the Weather gangs house! What the heck does it take people too stop being so stupid! OMG!! Yeah your right No we must not stop!! Sure come home and regroup! The world is crazy!! have fun!
12 :
13 :
someone eventually will.