Thursday, October 21, 2010

What kind of fools are we

What kind of fools are we?
Nations go to war to win, not to lose. They develop the know-how to win, like we did when we developed the a - bomb to defeat Japan, which we did, saving 1 million yank lives. Billions were spent to develop the bomb and create a nuclear arsenal to protect ourselves and the free world. It worked. Those kamikaze-minded suiciders quit after two nukes showed them who’s who. Now islam is going after us the same way, killing, to date more than 3000 yanks as they perpetrate suicide bombings. We possess nuclear arms; our enemies do not, at least not yet. Yet they behead us, kill us, mutilate our dead bodies ,drag them thru the streets of their cities, threaten us if we bomb their so called "holy cities", and subject us to humiliation for “abusing” the terrorists we have captured as if we were supposed to coddle them instead. As this goes on we huddle in fear of what terrorists will do next. So what do we do? The unelected U.S. Supreme Court gives them “terrorists rights” to sue in our courts while “back home” they behead us. And we prosecute our own soldiers for not coddling them.’ REAL SMART, isn’t it? But this isn’t the start of this insanity - We could have won in Korea with nukes, but the liberals, panicking the administration, claimed Russia and China would nuke us if we nuked korea. the result: nukes sat idle, the war was a stalemate, 33,000 yanks died and now korea has come back with its own nukes, threatening us which wouldn’t have happened had we nuked them back then. Real smart. We could have won in Vietnam, but the liberals claimed nukes weren’t nice because too many of our enemy should die. the result: we lost the war, and 59,000 yanks died, instead. Real smart. We went to war in Iraq in 1990, but pulled out when it was half over, leaving the regime in power. The result: another war had to be begun all over, which we thought we won. but yanks die daily while nukes sit idle. Some victory we “won”. Real smart Now we are led blindly down the path to believe moslem nations such as Pakistan will assist us in rooting out alqueda. Al queda is paying everyone off to be on their side. Even if they weren’t, moslems wouldn’t act for us. Pakistan has nukes, supplied with red mercury and technology by the Russian mafia. And do you think al queda has no access to their nukes? Allied with Pakistan? Real smart. Hw long will this “pearl harbor – 9/11 mentality” of sitting back, doing nothing decisive and procrastinating, persist? Must we wait until they blow us up, kill our children, brothers, sisters and parents one by one before we finally realize that we are justified in totally annihilating them and ending their threat for once and for all? In the meantime bandit and terrorist nations are clamoring to build nukes. Who do you think they will use them against, Monaco? Do you think these kamikaze minded maniacs will consider fallout or any similar considerations when they can and will nuke us, to make them hesitate to nuke? The liberals show photos of burnt Jap children to move us not to nuke. But what will our children look like if they nuke us? Do we have to await a third Pearl Harbor-9/11 before our sense of self-preservation and the preservation of our posterity is awakened and we excise the malignancy of islam from the face and body of mankind for once and for all? Must we apologize to them and coddle these terrorists and excuse ourselves for conducting war? And must they get rights to sue in our courts while they behead us? Did we spend those billions for marching down Main St. on the fourth of July, while yanks die daily and the arsenal sits idle or was there a more appropriate purpose to build the nuclear arsenal and protect ourselves? How long must we keep on huddling in fear and worry of what they will do to us next, when nukes sit idle? MUST WE WAIT UNTIL THEY NUKE US BEFORE WE WAKE UP? What kind of fools are we?
Other - Politics & Government - 14 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
To quote Slim Pickens," YEEEEEEHAAAAAAWWWWW!!!"
2 :
the kind that know dropping a nuke in the middle east will set one billion Muslims world wide against us, also the kind of fools that try not to kill civilians, I like how you blame it on the liberals, like the conservatives didn't spend the last 6 years in charge. Even Bush isn't that crazy.
3 :
If people of your ilk made the decisions the world would have been destroyed by now. Thank God you can only post your ridiculous dribble on an Internet list services.
4 :
A few years ago I read a statement by a Central (global) banker. He said "down with the west and up with the east". I think this country is being brought down by design. Now look at China.
5 :
Nobody is arguing you are a fool The world has changed, the good guys mix with the bad, you can fire a big shotgun, but you'll hit your kids at the same time You want to live your life in combat gear with rifle cocked go ahead, I live in Canada. Where our biggest fear is nuclear winds blowing north Try respecting other people, the way you would with your next door neighbor, maybe they all won't want to kill you
6 :
I don't think we should go around nuking people; however, you should direct your questions to those people that believe the "Peace, not War" slogan...who believe certain things are "inhumane". This is war folks! It's not pretty...there are no rules in war. There is no reasoning with the kind of people we are fighting against. They are not the kind of people that will sit down and have a cup of coffee with you and discuss worldly matters in a rational way. They are terrorists!
7 :
Yep. We could take out the whole world - wait for the dust to settle, then move in. If we are not going to do it right - let's stay home and wait for the next attack so we can all huddle around the television waving American flags and talking about how terrible they are. Let's have a few weeks of resolve and pull together as a nation each time they blow something up on our homeland, and then casually slip back into the Barry Bonds steroid debate at home, while the liberals ensure the deaths of young blood so that they can say "Bring our boys home" and laugh all the way to the ballot box. On Sept. 7th, 2007 a judge in this country will announce a several billion dollar judgment against Iran for killing 241 Americans in 1983 in Beirut Lebanon. The American government will then use tax payer money to fight against the families of the dead from collecting the Iranian assets. So we can't use the courts to fight... And certain politicians tie our hands every time we need a decisive victory. Bush had it right with "Shock and awe." But eventually we changed it to "wait and cry." I say we start by taking France... and Quebec (so the Canadians know we aren't playing). Great question. You are not alone...
8 :
We seem to be God fearing, everyday fools. Hoping foolishly that someday, just someday, we can all live happily ever after, After what, who knows, But God will see us thru.
9 :
well nuke fools... u cant solve problems with nuclear weapons jus using one will have complications with everything wut happens of other pple from countries were killed in the blast? im sure those countries wether allies or enemies will want someone to pay heavily/ and answer up to them. Not to mention a nation has no right to kill so many pple i mean i dont mind war its neccesary but nuclear war creates more complications than it solves and thus jus screwing things up even more. The UN would have a crazy fit and i dont think u want the entire security council against us bc jus china alone has more man power than us lol and i dont feel like being overrun with them bc some fool wanted to push the button... (o and we didnt have a nuclear arsenal at the time hiroshima we had only made 2 weapons total, one made from uranium and one made from plutonium so we were actually jus bluffing the japs bout more bombs wouldve taken us a good while to refine more material)
10 :
Big fools it seems
11 :
Well, they kill us because we kill them, And we kill them because they kill us, And they kill us because we kill them....... mmhhmm, I see a pattern here. I'm not trying to justify their actions, but these days I'm having difficulty justifying ours. I mean, why are we STILL in Iraq? Why, because there is oil there. That is the only reason. Look at how little attention we are paying to similar things happening in Africa. Why, because they don't have oil. We really don't care about the people of Iraq or their civil rights, we just want a government that is "friendly" to us. I'd be curious to see how things would change were they to discover a huge deposit of oil in Somalia. Your solution would neither be practical nor advisable. Besides, why nuke places and release dangerous radiation when we can do it with conventional means. We have the ability to quash these countries, we just don't have the "cajones". We worry too much about collateral damage and how it will be played in the press. And that is why we will never really win. Until we are willing to take the political "hit" for what it takes to get the job done, we will continue to have more Vietnams, Koreas and Iraqs.
12 :
See that sort of talk from Americans is exactly why other countries have developed nuclear weapons, and America is the only country that has actually used them so far. *
13 :
14 :
America lost the will to go to war in the Vietnam War thanks to hippies spouting 'love not war' etc. They failed to realize that as it takes two to fight, it also takes two to make peace. When one doesn't want peace it's hard to create a lasting peace for everyone.